Although it’s sometimes just easier buying pitta bread, roti (chupatti’s) or naan bread… It’s never a real substitute for freshly made breads.  The No So Plain Paratha is a butter layered chupatti flour bread cooked traditionally on a thava or a large plain griddle pan. The result is a slightly flaky layered buttery unleavened bread that would sit alongside any Indian meal… We ate with our hands and not a knife and fork!  It was always a treat when Jhaiji said “do you want a plain paratha instead of roti?”

What you need…

Chupatti flour… About 500g will make 10. This now available in most large supermarkets. 

Water… In a jug added until the right mix achieved

Ghee… Or melted butter. As little or as much as you can take! 

Thava… Or large plain griddle pan or frying pan

What you need to do…

Before you start place the thava or your pan on a medium heat whilst you prepare the paratha. 

1. Mix the chupatti flour and water in a bowl.  Kneed it until firm but moist… You will need to roll it out! 


2. Break of a small amount, about 5cm diameter when rolled into a ball.  Roll it in you hands and then in flour. 

3. Flatten it into a pattie.

4. Roll it into a small disc… It will be about 5mm thick and about a diameter of 15cm


5. Spread some ghee or melted butter into the centre and fold a third of the way in.


6. Fold it back in on itself

7. Add a dab of ghee or melted butter again and fold it in thirds lengthways




8. You’ll notice some butter will seep out when you press it down, so roll it in flour before you roll it out.

9. Roll it out making a square shape about 2-3mm thick.


10. Place the paratha into your heated thava and cook. Make sure you move it around so you don’t burn it!  To make sure it cooks evenly and puffs up slightly you need to flip it every minute or so until golden and cooked. On the last flip you can smear it with a little ghee and gently fry each side.. Not healthy but incredibly tasty! 

11. Whilst you are cooking one you should be preparing the next one! The timing should work out that as one has cooked the next one is ready to be cooked. 




The finished article…. Taadaa!!


What you need to do next…

This is normally eating alongside any main Indian dish but it’s also delicious with union pickles like spicy mango pickle in oil… Which is my favourite! 

What ever you make sure you share and enjoy! 


Coming soon… Bombay Train Company